Project One: Experiential Spaces

Click on the image to view the entire project.

Pause: Carved brick 2011. Unless otherwise stated all work © Kim Norton.


A two year practice based research project involved pushing materiality through scale and to create an emotional or sensory experience through design.

Fascinated with the weight density and physical presence of clay on mass Kim began exploring spaces that exist within spaces.

The final design was installed in to Lady Margaret Hall in Oxford during July 2011-2019

This project was sponsored By Ibstock Brick in Bristol
Blanchfords in Oxford
Tuckwells in Oxford
Creative Brickworks Oxford



To design a space to engage with to shelter, observe, reflect and rest.

An exploration into seating spaces which enables the viewer / visitor to experience differing perceptions of the space depending on where they choose to sit. The object allows a solitary moment to be captured. It would be possible to reside and to be partially visible or secluded from others sharing the space. There a sensation through subtle nuances of being slightly encased or enveloped by the form. Both sides resonate the same ideas however may evoke a different emotional response with a distinct feeling of inside/outside, emergence/withdrawal depending where you decide to position yourself.

To create a narrative between object and space.

Ceramics has a long rich history within the garden context I am using Brick clay in collaboration with Ibstock Brick in Bristol. Pushing this material in a contemporary thoughtful and purposeful way, developing a new language and aesthetic moving away from those long held traditions and preconceptions of what clay has to offer.

To frame a view

The ideas based around the long tradition of framing the view is a familiar notion throughout landscape painting I’m aiming to frame a less obvious view or structure a viewpoint within the garden from an unexpected perspective or position from a less glorified lens.

The positioning of the piece provides an element of ambiguity on approach. To reveal the materiality, yet create a new aesthetic with an ancient building material often overlooked.

Considering how exterior spaces are continuously transforming throughout the seasons gardens are always changing It has been important how light reacts with the space and how this will differ during the year.


The purpose of the folio is contextualise the 2yrs research and to provide a clear outline of the entire process involved in conceiving this project through to installation.

Click the image to view the entire project. Unless otherwise stated all work © Kim Norton.