
CaCO3 10days Winchester

CaCO3 will be on display until 7th November 15 at the Theatre Royal Winchester as part of 10days chalk Winchester's art biennial.

I will be in conversation with Sara Roberts and Jackie Bromley on Thursday 5th November from 5-7pm in the Theatre discussing Chalk in making. 

Follow the links to purchase tickets:

Install for 10Days Winchester.

Here are a few images from the third and final canvas for 10days Chalk in Winchester. 
Yesterday was the installation for opening on Sat 10th Oct. With very little idea how these were going to look until they finally made it up on to the wall I had resigned myself to adding sections on site. 

Throughout the entire making process I had these 3m panels flat on the floor. Making it very difficult to fully see the work or understand the overall impact.

Along with the three large panels made to hang on the red brick wall originally an exterior wall within the Theatre. 
I also included some smaller test pieces and several 50x50 cm squares that I had initially worked through exploring how the chalk was reacting to the surface the differences between varnishes, matt mediums and egg. 

Much like my exhibition at Siobhan Davies I wanted to keep the entire body of work together creating a narrative from start to finish throughout the space.

The second Canvas going up with the help from Spatz at the Theatre. Installation was complete within four hours my record time and I maintain that was down to the expert help and patience from Spatz who was a complete star from start to finish. 

These are taster images as I don't want to spoil the entire exhibition before it opens. 

I will be posting more images up in the next few weeks.
The Biennial opens on Saturday everyone is welcome. There will be a trail of openings  across the city starting at the gallery at Winchester College of Art. I will be at the theatre from 4pm where I will give a brief welcome and will be around for any questions afterwards.

Chalk 10days Winchester 2015 work in progress

This is a quick update about the work I'm currently making for 10days Winchester opening in October.

Since my last post I've managed to move it along slightly with one of the three large canvas panels almost finished. 

After a conversation with Sasha this morning I'm still undecided about how the smaller test pieces will be hung in the space. I started photographing them outside in natural sunlight this afternoon and there are some interesting elements beginning to unfold, which has now made me think about lighting and possibly positioning them away from the wall in order to be able to see these details more clearly.

Chalk in three stages some of the process work will be on display along with some photography taken in  Sombourne chalk quarry.

As for the larger panels these are going to be hanging from the red brick wall but I can experiment with spot lights once the work in installed. It's something to consider and will give the white expanse a little more depth as the marks made through making will have a stronger resonance. 

10 Days Chalk 2015 Winchester Arts Biennial

Chalk: A white soft earthy limestone (calcium carbonate) formed from the skeletal remains  of sea creatures.


In October I'm showing a new piece of work called CaCO3 in Winchester for the Arts Biennial 10Days: Chalk 2015.

This can be seen in The Winchester Theatre Royal just one of the many venues hosting events exhibitions and performances across the city for the month of October - November.

I'm just in the process of gathering everything I need together to begin making so in the meantime here are a few images of some of the material tests I've been working on recently. 

These pieces of chalk were collected from just outside the train station in Winchester on my first visit to meet Kate Raines at the theatre to measure the space where the final works will be hung.

It's pretty easy to find once you start to open your eyes. Chalk is very much part of Winchester's geological foundation but it will be interesting to find out how many people living in and around the city take notice of this material beneath them. 

Having collected some medium sized pieces of chalk to begin initial tests. It requires quite a lot of time and effort to crush it down into a workable state.

Here are the results of some of the tests to date. I'm also finding that different mixing mediums create contrasting finishes. Although the largest piece of canvas I've worked on so far is only 50 x 50 cm square I'm beginning to understand how far I can push it. Although, it's often a very different story once you scale it up to full size.

A flying visit to Winchester Cathedral

Last week on our back back to London from Herefordshire we stopped off in Winchester to make a quick trip to the Cathedral. Sitting in the centre of greenery you walk under an avenue of trees to be confronted with the splendour of this enormous gothic building. Built between 11th and the 16th century much is unchanged today. 

Medieval floor tiles from the 13th century said to be the largest collection of tiles from this period in England. It is within these smaller details shown in the last few images that really makes me think about all the people that have passed through this space. The thousands of footsteps that have made their way across the floor and it still stands the test of time. 

There were several reasons I wanted to take a look inside one was the see the Antony Gormley Sculpture Sound II 1986 positioned in one of the oldest parts of the Cathedral the crypt. 

One lone figure stands with cupped hands in a cavernous space filled with atmosphere after long periods of rain the crypt floods and this lead sculpture human in scale is opened up to the elements continuously changing and dependant up on the weather conditions. 

The day we visited it was dry but there were still traces and marks on the floor where the previous flooding had been. 

The second reason was to see the Burne Jones stained glass windows in the Epiphany Chapel. Created at William Morris' workshops in 1910 the four stained glass windows sit in the tiny chapel depicting the life of the Virgin Mary. Reminiscent of the period each central image is encased with highly detailed and exquisitely crafted flora and foliage. 

 The final reason was I had a proposal to write!